celtic spiritual mentoring



Celtic spiritual mentoring can give you the chance to bring imagination and beauty back into your daily life and to rise above the dominant, narrow focus of worshipping all things that are quantified, measurable and power-seeking. In Celtic spiritual mentoring you can tap into your sense of wonder and awe at the beauty of life around you and your interconnectedness with all living and non-living things. Celtic spiritual mentoring allows you to witness your true self in action and know it as the place you call ‘home’.

We all have a still, small voice of clear truth-telling at the core of our being. It does not matter which words or images you have for this unique essence of yourself. Some call it soul; others call it the true self or inner teacher or the psyche. What is certain is that however you name it, the most important thing is that you care for this precious part of yourself and actively offer it encouragement, nourishment and energy so that it can grow in you.

And the growth of your inner being is really important. We are crowded in from all sides by world forces that are getting faster and more frantic, and it is only too easy to be swept up into anxious and acquisitive behaviour for ourselves, even when we know it is not good for us.

We all need spaces and places where we can practise being different and allow goodness and love to arise from within us.

I offer a spiritual care that helps you to do this – to take notice of the voice and vision and feelings that are the true essence of your being, and to find how these explicit and intentional life-nurturing practices can be cultivated in you.



  • Celtic Spiritual Mentoring is something you might come to because you are feeling empty inside and you don’t know how to find a way of connecting to yourself.

  • Or maybe you are stuck in a rut in your work or in your relationships and you’re curious about taking a new perspective on this problem.

  • You might find yourself looking for spiritual meaning in your life and you are not attached to any established religious tradition, but you want to explore the Creator, or the Great Mystery or God or the divine in an open and life-enhancing way.

  • Alternatively, you might have a regular religious or spiritual practice and you are longing to explore something creative that might nurture you differently.

Spiritual mentoring can be helpful here because it is a confidential, safe and sacred space where I can give you full and heart-felt attention while you explore and negotiate in an unhurried way the deep-felt concerns that are the present boulders on your pathway. Allowing you to be in charge of the pace of the conversation and what is explored means that you can dive deep into the essence of your story, your concerns and be accompanied in caring for and nurturing your ways of enriching and liberating your innermost self.

- The way that I support you in our time together is non-prescriptive; that is to say, you are invited to bring your own beliefs to Celtic spiritual mentoring.

- There is no pressure on you to express any particular set of beliefs because I am open and welcoming to all, wherever you come from spiritually.

- What is likely is that you will be a ‘seeker’, someone who brings curiosity and open generosity on the path of finding deeper meaning in life.

- And, you are offered the freedom to be radically, uniquely, your human self on your journey to a deeper understanding of your inner being.


Celtic Spiritual Mentoring is a bit different and special because it’s about art, about beauty, about nature, about love, about celebrating your understanding of the divine, of the creator, about the inner teacher or soul, about joy, about being real, about being connected, about all of these things together. Celtic Spiritual Mentoring holds space for your inner flourishing and for helping that still, small voice of hope, of wonder, of longing for something deeper to flower into full abundance and radiance. It is about rooting down into your core being and becoming strong.

The way that we create our world, creates us back. What we give our attention to influences how the world is shaped in our consciousness and it becomes really important that we orient our attention to what is healthy and whole. When we nurture our curiosity and our imagination towards different and more healthful futures, we allow ourselves to turn away from fear and anxieties and begin to live into a future of healing and transformation.


In Celtic Spiritual Mentoring you and I sit down together and create a conversation, over time, that dives deep into the essence of what it means to be you in this world, what gets in the way of your flourishing and how you might re-set your connections so that you can live more in tune with your inner being, and in tune with the planet.

We do this by sometimes dipping into scriptural writings and wisdom texts to bring their ancient wisdom to life. We can be expansive about the ideas we engage with, allowing you perhaps to be liberated from ways of believing that were handed down to you and no longer serve you well. You can find new ways of expressing your connection to the great mystery, the divine, a higher presence.


Celtic spiritual mentoring is rooted in the world of nature and we work with awareness of the seasons and cycles of the year. You can connect to nature through the things of nature that we bring into the room or we could go outside into the natural world. We can read the signs that nature offers and reflect on these, since everything has connection and a meaning.


We use art and creativity in our time together to stimulate self-discovery and give expression to your inner truth/soul. You could be working with figurines and objects to create a ‘scene’ that speaks to your deep self in that moment. You might create a visual collage or be responding to a selection of images that invite you to enter into the moment through visual metaphor. You could be writing a 5-minutes reflection or responding to a poem or a piece of writing. All of these creative activities are different ways of giving expression to your heart.

Our intention is that we give you hope in developing trust in your own inner wisdom and our Celtic spiritual mentoring sessions are a call to wonder, a call to come home to yourself.

The An Croí Wisdom Institute where I trained has four key elements in Celtic spiritual practice. These are called the four chambers of An Croí, like the four chambers of the heart, since ‘an croí’ is ‘the heart’ in the Gaelic language. The four elements give you some more insight on what Celtic spiritual mentoring can be like.


The four C’s of Celtic spiritual mentoring are compassionate, creative, contemplative and Celtic ways of being to allow you to be at home with yourself.


We work together in a heart-to-heart way to create a relationship that can be both gentle and strong to encourage you to explore all that you are and can be. By creating a warm, sacred, safe and confidential space for you, we can be open and inclusive together and I can support you to care for, love and honour your inner self.


Creativity gives us a tool box of artistic and creative things and ideas to work with. We can use story, music, poetry, art, scripture, objects and figurines to invite the world and all its elements into our shared space. You can use these metaphors and imagery to find insights to how you think and know yourself.


When we are contemplative we take time to rest in awe of what can arise in our encounter together as we slow the pace of the conversation, linger over special moments, rest in silence, and listen deeply to what moves in you. You can become highly attuned to living in the presence of this moment and responding to the gifts it has to offer.


The Celtic element invites us to focus on a ‘right relationship’ with the divine, with human and more-than-human others, with nature, with ancestors and with ourselves. You might want to explore the natural world as spiritual inspiration, or explore the writings of Celtic saints and scholars or the arts to reach outside the familiar limits of yourself towards different ways of knowing and being yourself in the world.



Celtic spiritual mentoring can make a difference in your life because it invites you to hear the voice of your inner teacher and learn to trust its wisdom. When you trust your own heartfelt responses, you will be more resilient to the storms that blow around you. This can lead you to developing your inner strength and becoming more confident in the choices you make. You could be more like a strong oak tree, grounded well in yourself and a symbol of solidity to others.

Your options now are:

If you would like to arrange a free 15-minute chat with me to find out more or to ask questions, click here to fill in the form on BOOK AN APPOINTMENT page

Alternatively, you are welcome to call me on 07462 775 220. I might be in a therapy session and it might go through to voicemail. Please leave me a message and I will get back to you at the latest by the end of the next working day.


These beautiful spiritual mentoring sessions enhance and support my journey, offering gentle inspiration and focus and allowing space for all the pieces of my ongoing personal jigsaw puzzle to come together for processing in a heart-centred and cohesive way. I always leave feeling deeply relaxed, soothed and blessed and ready to continue joyfully on my path.

[Diane Fairhurst, journalling and meditation teacher]